Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Today in Non-Sexism

Today I went out and had a good time with a friend. Then I went to a bar where I got a drink from a [non-white] man.

"He looks sketchy" she said.
'Why' I thought.
"Dude, look at his ponytail" she said as though reading my mind.

This man [with the ponytail] saw that I was out of cash and the ATM that I went to could not pay for my, no, OUR, drinking bill. Therefore he footed our entire bill out of the goodness of his heart. Yet she still thought so poorly of him? I was appalled. He didn't make any "move"* on us nor did he leave his stool at the bar. We left very soon thereafter.

Our driver back was a man of color--very cordial. I told him about the work I was doing at my human rights clinic and my thoughts on equality. He told me to "be careful" and not to "rock the boat." I was saddened by his lack of enthusiasm by the work that I was doing/involved in but also intrigued by what the expectation was of people who lived inequality. More to come.

*sexual, as in trying to get to know us in any way other than how we felt comfortable. Literally he JUST wanted to buy me a drink, that was it... no stings attached